InfiniSQL  v0.1.2-alpha
Massive Scale Transaction Processing
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCMessageAckApply::ackapply_sMessageAckApply POD (serializable by memcpy) data members
oCMessageAckDispatch::ackdispatch_sMessageAckDispatch POD (serializable by memcpy) data members
oCTopology::actor_sCharacteristics for each actor
oCApiInterfaceStored procedure API
|\CPgObject that handles SQL activities
oCApplierOn replicas, this class replicates "applies" transactions received by TransactionAgent
oCMessageApply::apply_sMessageApply POD (serializable by memcpy) data members
oCAstAbstract Syntax Tree
oCauthInfoAuthentication information, uniquely identifying a user
oCEngine::background_sFor replication of out-of-order subtransactions
oCcfg_sGlobal config parameters
oCTransaction::cmdState_sState for pending transactional activities
oCStatement::column_sFROM clause column
oCMessageDeadlock::deadlock_sMessageDeadlock POD (serializable by memcpy) data members
oCDeadlockMgrDeadlock manager actor
oCMessageDispatch::dispatch_sMessageDispatch POD (serializable by memcpy) data members
oCEngineEngine actor. Each Engine corresponds to a data partition
oCFieldField object
oCfieldInput_uContents of a field (other than CHARX or VARCHAR)
oCfieldtypename_sName and type of field
oCfieldValue_sField contents
oCforwarderEntryFor replaced rows, how to find the new row
oCIbGatewayInbound Gateway Actor
oCIndexCreate INDEX object
oCindexInfo_sCharacteristics for activities performed on index entries
oCStatement::inobject_sIN (or NOT IN) row values
oCLarxerCreate object to tokenize, parse, and compile SQL statement
oCListenerExecute Listener actor
oClistenerStruct_sUsed by Listner to know what to listen to
oCMboxes::location_sAddress and MboxProducer for an actor
oClockFieldValue_sFor tracking lock types for transactions with unique index entries
oClockingIndexEntryValue for UNIQUE (potentially locking) indices
oClockQueueIndexEntryData for UNIQUE index lock queue entries
oClockQueueRowEntryData for transactions waiting to lock a row
oCMboxCreate mailbox
oCMboxesCollection of producers
oCMboxProducerMailbox producer
oCMessageCreate Message object
|oCMessageAckApplyMessage variant for acknowledging Applier activities
|oCMessageAckDispatchMessage variant for acknowledgement of synchronous replication
|oCMessageApplyMessage variant for Applier activities
|oCMessageBatchSerializedMessage variant containing multiple serialized Message variants
|oCMessageDeadlockMessage variant for DeadlockMgr activities
|oCMessageDispatchMessage variant for synchronous replication
|oCMessageSerializedMessage variant carrying serialized Message variant as payload
|oCMessageSocketMessage variant for communicating socket events
|oCMessageTransactionMessage variant for transaction processing
||oCMessageCommitRollbackMessage variant for committing and rolling back transactions
||\CMessageSubtransactionCmdMessage variant for subtransactions
|\CMessageUserSchemaMessage variant for UserSchemaMgr activities
oCMessage::message_sMessage POD (serializable by memcpy) data members
oCMessageBatchSerialized::msgbatch_sStructure of serialized messages and destination node
oCnewDeadLockLists_sItems to add to wait-for graph
oCnonLockingIndexEntry_sIndex map value for non-unique indices
oCObGatewayExecute Outbound Gateway actor
oCOperationNon-transactional user and schema-related activity
oCStatement::orderbyitem_sORDER BY fields and order
oCpasswordStructUser password
oCperlarxerData for flex and bison to cooperate
oCprocedures_sStored procedure creator and destructor function pointers
oCStatement::query_sAll elements for a main or sub-query
oCStatement::reentry_sContinuation destination
oCresponseDataFor storing network responses held up by EAGAIN on raw interface
oCStatement::results_sResults of evaulations during query execution, including final results
oCApiInterface::results_sResults from SQL query
oCreturnRow_sRow and metadata for being returned to client from SELECT or stored proc
oCrowdata_sRow and its meta-data
oCrowOrField_sData items describing manipulation request
oCSchemaSchema object
oCschemastructState information for Operations between TransactionAgent and UserSchemaMgr
oCsearchParams_sDescribes how to perform an SQL search expression predicate
oCSerializedMessageObject carrying a serialized Message variant
oCMessageSocket::socket_sMessageSocket POD (serializable by memcpy) data members
oCTransaction::sqlcmdstate_sState for pending SQL commands
oCLarxer::stackmember_sData populatng pre- Ast stack. SQL token and associated value
oCstagedRow_sRows and unique index entries worked on by Transaction
oCStatementAll necessary information to execute a SQL statement
oCSubTransactionCreate Subtransaction object
oCMessageSubtransactionCmd::subtransaction_sMessageSubtransactionCmd POD (serializable by memcpy) data members
oCsubtransactionCmd_sCommand contents between Transaction and Subtransaction
oCTableCreate new Table object
oCtaCmdCalling TransactionAgent and pending command
oCTopologyMgrExecute Topology Manager actor
oCTransactionCreate Transaction object
oCMessageTransaction::transaction_sMessageTransaction POD (serializable by memcpy) data members
oCTransactionAgentExecute Transaction Agent actor
oCMessageUserSchema::userschema_sMessageUserSchema POD (serializable by memcpy) data members
oCUserSchemaMgrExecute User Schema Manager actor
\CuuRecord_sUniversally unique Record