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Massive Scale Transaction Processing
This is the complete list of members for Table, including all inherited members.
addfield(fieldtype_e type, int64_t length, std::string name, indextype_e indextype) | Table | |
ApiInterface class | Table | friend |
assignToLockQueue(int64_t rowid, locktype_e locktype, int64_t subtransactionid, int64_t pendingcmdid, int64_t tacmdentrypoint) | Table | |
columnaNameToFieldMap | Table | |
commitRollbackUnlock(int64_t rowid, int64_t subtransactionid, enginecmd_e cmd) | Table | |
deleterow(int64_t rowid, int64_t subtransactionid) | Table | |
deleterow(int64_t rowid, int64_t subtransactionid, int64_t forward_rowid, int64_t forward_engineid) | Table | |
Engine class | Table | friend |
fields | Table | |
forwarderMap | Table | |
getname() | Table | |
getnextrowid() | Table | |
getrows(vector< int64_t > rowids, locktype_e locktype, int64_t subtransactionid, int64_t pendingcmdid, vector< returnRow_s > *returnRows, vector< int64_t > *lockPendingRowids, int64_t tacmdentrypoint) | Table | |
id | Table | |
lockQueue | Table | |
makerow(vector< fieldValue_s > *fieldVal, std::string *res) | Table | |
name | Table | |
newrow(int64_t newrowid, int64_t subtransactionid, string &row) | Table | |
nextindexid | Table | |
nextrowid | Table | |
rows | Table | |
rowsize | Table | |
selectrows(vector< int64_t > *rowids, locktype_e locktype, int64_t subtransactionid, int64_t pendingcmdid, vector< returnRow_s > *returnRows, int64_t tacmdentrypoint) | Table | |
setname(string namearg) | Table | |
shadowTable | Table | |
SubTransaction class | Table | friend |
Table(int64_t idarg) | Table | |
Transaction class | Table | friend |
TransactionAgent class | Table | friend |
unmakerow(std::string *rowstring, vector< fieldValue_s > *resultFields) | Table | |
updaterow(int64_t rowid, int64_t subtransactionid, string *row) | Table | |
UserSchemaMgr class | Table | friend |
~Table() | Table | inlinevirtual |