InfiniSQL  v0.1.2-alpha
Massive Scale Transaction Processing
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ApiInterface Member List

This is the complete list of members for ApiInterface, including all inherited members.

addFieldToRow(int64_t val)ApiInterface
addFieldToRow(uint64_t val)ApiInterface
addFieldToRow(bool val)ApiInterface
addFieldToRow(long double val)ApiInterface
addFieldToRow(char val)ApiInterface
addFieldToRow(string &val)ApiInterface
commit(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr)ApiInterface
continueFunc1(int64_t entrypoint, void *statePtr)=0ApiInterfacepure virtual
continueFunc2(int64_t entrypoint, void *statePtr)=0ApiInterfacepure virtual
continuePgCommitexplicit(int64_t entrypoint, void *statePtr)=0ApiInterfacepure virtual
continuePgCommitimplicit(int64_t entrypoint, void *statePtr)=0ApiInterfacepure virtual
continuePgFunc(int64_t entrypoint, void *statePtr)=0ApiInterfacepure virtual
continuePgRollbackexplicit(int64_t entrypoint, void *statePtr)=0ApiInterfacepure virtual
continuePgRollbackimplicit(int64_t entrypoint, void *statePtr)=0ApiInterfacepure virtual
deleteRow(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, uuRecord_s &uur)ApiInterface
doit()=0ApiInterfacepure virtual
execStatement(const char *stmtname, Statement *stmtPtr, apifPtr reentryfunction, int64_t reentrypoint, void *reentrydata)ApiInterface
execStatement(const char *stmtname, vector< std::string > &args, apifPtr reentryfunction, int64_t reentrypoint, void *reentrydata)ApiInterface
fetchRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr)ApiInterface
getStoredProcedureArgs(Statement *stmtPtr, std::vector< std::string > &argsRef)ApiInterface
insertRow(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid)ApiInterface
prepareResponseVector(int64_t resultCode)ApiInterface
replaceRow(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr)ApiInterface
revert(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, uuRecord_s &uur)ApiInterface
rollback(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr)ApiInterface
rollback(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, uuRecord_s &uur)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, int64_t input)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, uint64_t input)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, bool input)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, long double input)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, char input)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, string *input)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, vector< int64_t > *input)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, vector< uint64_t > *input)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, vector< bool > *input)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, vector< long double > *input)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, vector< char > *input)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, vector< string > *input)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, int64_t lower, int64_t upper)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, uint64_t lower, uint64_t upper)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, bool lower, bool upper)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, long double lower, long double upper)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, char lower, char upper)ApiInterface
selectRows(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t tableid, int64_t fieldid, locktype_e locktype, operatortypes_e op, string *lower, string *upper)ApiInterface
sendResponse(int64_t resultCode, vector< std::string > *v)ApiInterface
setReEntry(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr)ApiInterface
unlock(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, int64_t rowid, int64_t tableid, int64_t engineid)ApiInterface
unmakerow(int64_t tableid, string *rowstring, vector< fieldValue_s > *resultFields)ApiInterface
updateRow(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, uuRecord_s &uur)ApiInterface
updateRow(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, uuRecord_s &uur, int64_t fieldid, int64_t input)ApiInterface
updateRow(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, uuRecord_s &uur, int64_t fieldid, uint64_t input)ApiInterface
updateRow(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, uuRecord_s &uur, int64_t fieldid, bool input)ApiInterface
updateRow(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, uuRecord_s &uur, int64_t fieldid, long double input)ApiInterface
updateRow(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, uuRecord_s &uur, int64_t fieldid, char input)ApiInterface
updateRow(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, uuRecord_s &uur, int64_t fieldid, string input)ApiInterface
updateRowNullField(apifPtr re, int64_t recmd, void *reptr, uuRecord_s &uur, int64_t fieldid)ApiInterface